Owners: General partners Spencer & Scott Garrett
Location: Ventura, Calif.
Employees: 18 full time, 37 part-time
Members: 860 memberships, 1,900 members
Year opened: 1977
Website: www.pierpontrc.com
Pierpont Racquet Club is not your typical business. And that is a good thing.?
First, brothers Scott and Spencer Garrett wanted to work together. Second, they decided to open a business they had little knowledge and experience with. Finally, in a industry where there is fierce competition and many options, a large percentage of their customers have been with them for 20 or 30 years.?
Thirty-five years ago they opted to venture out from the family business ? The Pierpont Inn, which opened in 1929 ? and started a racquet club. With Spencer only having played tennis in college a handful of times, it was certainly a dicey proposition.?
While the strong, fourth-generation family tradition in Ventura, Calif., has certainly helped, it?s the treatment of the close to 2,000 members that has allowed Pierpont recently celebrate its 35th anniversary with many loyal, longtime members.?
Read the following questions and answers, especially the ?Innovative ideas at the club,? which should give insight on how they?ve been successful for so many years.
Pierpont Racquet Club founders Scott Garrett, right, and Spencer Garrett, second from right, with Sean Garrett, left, and Chris Garrett, Scott's sons, pictured during an Oktoberfest event to celebrate the club's 35h anniversary.Club vision/mission statement: Our mission is to enrich the lives of our members while becoming the recognized leader in sports and wellness in our community.?
Classes: Ball Class, Classical Yoga, Water Works, Tai Chi, Advanced Pilates, Body Toning, Heart/Body Pump, Cardio & Pump, Advanced Step, Zumba Toning, Strength & Stretch, Restorative Yoga, Pilates, Tae Kwon Do, Kettleball?
Offerings: Tennis, racquetball, squash, indoor & outdoor pools, Jacuzzi, saunas, cardio & selectorized equipment, free weights, fitness classes, childcare and youth programming, Caf?, spa services?
Innovative ideas at club: Monthly Lunch Bunch & Annual Un-birthday events to promote and form friendships in the Group Exercise classes.?
PRC Family News & Notes Log-Sending cards and/or phone calls to members and/or employees in need such as illness, death, or special celebration such as births, weddings etc.?
Monthly Coffee Chats-Drop in meeting with the members to chat with and meet the PRC Management team for social interaction and to express any concerns or suggestions etc.?
Annual Maintenance Week- Club Closure for major and minor repairs and cleaning etc. Work is done by the employees as well as outside contractors with free lunch served daily and special event for the staff at the end of the week to reward the hard work and efforts by all! A great team building week!!! Members are rewarded with a sparkling clean club and surprised with many upgrades and astounded by all that was accomplished in one week!!! They are welcomed back with coffee and muffins upon re-opening!?
The upstairs lounge at Pierpont Racquet Club is used for members to relax, social events, and sometimes group fitness classes.We are constantly looking for and creating new innovative programs in all of our departments. We have many others not mentioned that have served us well in the past and will have many more in the future!?
Where you hope the club will be in 5 years: We will continue to develop innovative programs for all ages. We have more than 50 people who have been members since we opened 35 years ago and accordingly we offer more and more classes for our older members.??
Area in which you would be of assistance for networking: All Areas; admin@pierpontrc.com?
Describe area/community club is in: Ventura is 60 miles north of Los Angeles on the coast ? with a population of 120,000. Neighboring cities bring the population with 20 miles of the club to close of 400,000.?
Do you have any community outreach programs: Food Share ?Local food bank for Ventura County, a percentage of our Trial Memberships goes to benefit this Non-Profit. Coats for Kids-Winter Program; Project Understanding Food Drives; Boys & Girls Club Sponsor; Get Active America & Tennis Across America; City Impact - Gang Prevention and Education Programs Sponsor & Volunteer time by PRC Staff at events; Physical Fitness & Nutrition outreach programs in the Schools; Commit to Get Fit Program; Casa Pacifica Children?s Home; Ventura Music Festival Sponsor and Promoter?
Famous former or current members: Chris Hillman -The Byrds, Rock n? Roll Hall of Fame band; Judge Brown - Reality TV Show; Abby Zsarnay - Women?s Junior Skateboarding Champion; The Chouinard Family - Patagonia Owners?
Pierpont Racquet Club staffHow long have you been a member of IHRSA and what IHRSA programs have you instituted and events have you attended?: The PRC has been a member of IHRSA since its inception and we have attended every convention. We participate in the IHRSA Passport Program and frequently adopt program highlighted in CBI including Commit To Get Fit/Get Active America/Member Loyalty Survey.?
Other pertinent information not asked: The Pierpont Racquet Club is a family owned business by original owners for 35 years.? Many of our members are multi-generational and have either worked at the PRC and/or meet their spouse here! Everyone (members & employees) feels like part of the PRC Family because we genuinely care!
Source: http://www.ihrsa.org/home/2012/11/6/you-are-one-of-the-family-at-pierpont-racquet-club.html
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