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Sunday, June 2, 2013

Arab Idol: No Bieber fever in Gaza

Palestinian teenage girls instead have Mohammed Assaf, a Palestinian contestant on 'Arab Idol' who has them glued to their phones, texting in votes for him.

By Christa Case Bryant,?Staff writer / May 31, 2013

A banner depicting Mohammed Assaf, a Palestinian contestant on 'Arab Idol,' is seen on a building in the West Bank city of Ramallah May 13. Assaf has suddenly become one of the Arab world's hottest singing sensations.

Mohamad Torokman/Reuters


Mohammed Assaf, who grew up in this crowded refugee camp performing with his pianist sister, has suddenly become one of the Arab world?s hottest singing sensations.

Skip to next paragraph Christa Case Bryant

Jerusalem bureau chief

Christa Case Bryant is The Christian Science Monitor's Jerusalem bureau chief, providing coverage on Israel and the Palestinian territories as well as regional issues.

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Among Gaza's teenage girls, the handsome Mr. Assaf inspires a Justin Bieber-like fandom. His sister says that young girls regularly call the family home asking to marry her brother. Ask any teenage girl on the streets of Khan Younis what they think of him and soon you'll have a gaggle of them giggling into their headscarves and vying for a chance to tell outsiders just how wonderful their hometown here is.?

His soulful renditions of Palestinian nationalist songs have prompted Palestinians of all stripes to rally behind him in the second season of ?Arab Idol,? a Lebanon-based singing contest.?But his stardom also represents a broader success for Palestinian solidarity. Even before hordes of teenage girls were texting their votes for Mr. Assaf, more than a few Palestinians went out of their way to help the aspiring star overcome the unique obstacles of life ? never mind music careers ? in Gaza.

If it weren?t for that support, Assaf may have never even had a chance to audition for Arab Idol, let alone become one of the final seven contestants out of 27.

Because of growing militant activity in the nearby Sinai peninsula and ongoing Israeli concerns about the flow of militants and weapons in and out of the Gaza, the borders of this tiny coastal territory are tightly controlled.

So when auditions were held in next-door Egypt this winter, Assaf had trouble getting through the Rafah border crossing.?By the time he arrived at the audition center, the organizers had closed the doors and refused to let him in.

He immediately called his mother in disappointment. She told him, ?Don?t come back with empty hands, even if you have to jump over the wall,? recalls his older sister Nisreen.

So Assaf walked the perimeter of the property with a cousin studying in Cairo and found a place to jump the fence. But when he got inside, he was denied the necessary ticket for a turn to audition. After his pleas were rebuffed by the woman in charge, he tried a different form of protest: He began singing.

A fellow Gazan in the crowded waiting area immediately recognized Assaf?s voice, which had become well-known through his radio appearances.

?He said, ?My voice is not as good as yours, please, take my ticket,?? says Nisreen, surrounded by her brother?s image on multitudinous posters in the family?s neat but modest home. Big trucks rumble by on the sandy streets outside.

Assaf first sang in public at age five with Shireen, his eldest sister, who was well-known for her piano playing. While the siblings never had formal music lessons ??no music school existed until very recently, says Nisreen ? their parents strongly encouraged them to pursue their talents. Shireen broke her electric keyboard more than once and they bought a new one each time ? a big financial sacrifice in a place where the goal is often to merely making ends meet.

They also encouraged her kid brother to call in to a popular television show with singer Jamal al-Najjar, who would take questions. When Assaf called in, his "question" was more of a request: Listen to me sing.

Mr. al-Najjar not only indulged him, but asked for his phone number to follow up. Soon after, Assaf?s father arranged a meeting between the two, which launched a mentoring relationship that his sister credits with making his music career.

And when the opportunity came to audition for Arab Idol, Assaf?s parents once again strongly encouraged him. The?contest?represents the first possibility for Assaf to earn money from his singing; according to his sister, he already has a 10-year contract with MBC, the Saudi TV station that airs Arab Idol.

?He?s never made a penny from his singing,? says Nisreen, noting that local merchants frequently use his image to boost sales without paying him due to a lack of copyright law. ?Now, this is going to change.?

For Assaf?s fellow Palestinians, his success also represents an opportunity to earn more dignity and respect in the Arab world. The Palestinian cause is often championed for political reasons, but little is done to help the 5 million or more refugees whose families lost their homes in the 1948-49 war of Israeli independence.

?I believe he changed Arab perceptions for the better,? says Nismaa Arafa, a 10th?grader. ?Palestine became more popular in front of the Arab countries.?


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Saturday, June 1, 2013

One of the moon's mysteries solved: Origin of mascon basins

May 30, 2013 ? A mystery of the moon that imperiled astronauts and spacecraft on lunar missions has been solved by a Purdue University-led team of scientists as part of NASA's GRAIL mission.

Large concentrations of mass lurk on the lunar surface hidden like coral reefs beneath the ocean waves -- an unseen and devastating hazard. These concentrations change the gravity field and can either pull a spacecraft in or push it off course, sealing its fate to a crash on the face of the moon.

"In 1968 these mass concentrations were an unwelcome discovery as scientists prepared for the Apollo landings, and they have remained a mystery ever since," said Jay Melosh, a member of the Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory, or GRAIL, science team who led the research. "GRAIL has now mapped where they lay, and we have a much better understanding of how they developed. If we return to the moon, we can now navigate with great precision."

A better understanding of these features also adds clues to the moon's origin and evolution and will be useful in studying other planets where mass concentrations also are known to exist including Mars and Mercury, said Melosh, who is a distinguished professor of earth, atmospheric and planetary sciences and physics.

"We now know the ancient moon must have been much hotter than it is now and the crust thinner than we thought," he said. "For the first time we can figure out what size asteroids hit the moon by looking at the basins left behind and the gravity signature of the areas. We now have tools to figure out more about the heavy asteroid bombardment and what the ancient Earth may have faced."

The team confirmed the standing theory that the concentrations of mass were caused by massive asteroid impacts billions of years ago and determined how these impacts changed the density of material on the moon's surface and, in turn, its gravity field. A paper detailing the results will be published online by the journal Science on May 30.

In addition to Melosh, Purdue team members include Andrew Freed, associate professor of earth, atmospheric and planetary sciences, and graduate students Brandon Johnson and David Blair. Additional team members include Maria Zuber, GRAIL principal investigator and professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; J. Andrews-Hanna of the Colorado School of Mines; S. Solomon of Columbia University; and the GRAIL Science Team.

"The explanation of mascons has eluded scientists for decades," Zuber said. "Since their initial discovery they have also been observed on Mars and Mercury, and by understanding their formation on the moon we have greatly advanced knowledge of how major impacts modified planetary crusts."

The mass concentrations form a target pattern with a gravity surplus at the bulls-eye surrounded by a ring of gravity deficit and an outer ring of gravity surplus. The team found that this pattern arises as a natural consequence of crater excavation, collapse and cooling following an impact.

The team determined that the increase in density and gravitational pull at the bulls-eye was caused by lunar material melted from the heat of the asteroid impact. The melting causes the material to become more concentrated, stronger and denser, and pulls in additional material from the surrounding areas, Melosh said.

The large asteroid impacts also caused big holes into which the surrounding lunar material collapsed. As the cool, strong lunar crust slid into the holes it bent downward, forming a rigid, curved edge that held down the material beneath it and prevented it from fully rebounding to its original surface height. This causes a ring with less gravitational pull because the mass is held farther below the surface, the top of which is what most influences the gravitational signature, he said.

The outer ring of increased gravitational pull comes from the added mass of the material ejected by the initial impact that then piles on top of the lunar surface.

The team combined expertise in specialized computer analysis methods called hydrocodes and finite element codes to create computer simulations that could show the physical changes occurring from microseconds to millions of years. The team analyzed the Freundlich-Sharanov and Humorum mascon basins.

Melosh is a pioneer in adapting computer hydrocodes -- computer programs originally created to analyze the flow of liquids -- to simulate how complex materials move when high-speed collisions occur, like that of a planetary collision. Hydrocodes can be used to study such phenomena on a time scale of microseconds to hours, but are not practical from time scales much longer than that, he said.

Freed is a leader in adapting finite element codes, like those used to study car crashes, to simulate the changes in density of complex materials upon cooling and the evolution of Earth and other planets on the time scale of hours to millions of years.

Using the GRAIL data set, which offers an unprecedented, detailed map of the distribution of masses in the moon, the team was able to put together a picture of how the moon's crust and mantle behaved and the development of the concentrations of mass in the aftermath of large asteroid impacts.


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Friday, May 31, 2013

Radiation measured by NASA's Curiosity on voyage to Mars has implications for future human missions

May 30, 2013 ? Measurements taken by NASA's Mars Science Laboratory mission as it delivered the Curiosity rover to Mars in 2012 are providing NASA the information it needs to design systems to protect human explorers from radiation exposure on deep-space expeditions in the future.

Curiosity's Radiation Assessment Detector (RAD) is the first instrument to measure the radiation environment during a Mars cruise mission from inside a spacecraft that is similar to potential human exploration spacecraft. The findings reduce uncertainty about the effectiveness of radiation shielding and provide vital information to space mission designers who will need to build in protection for spacecraft occupants in the future.

"As this nation strives to reach an asteroid and Mars in our lifetimes, we're working to solve every puzzle nature poses to keep astronauts safe so they can explore the unknown and return home," said William Gerstenmaier, NASA's associate administrator for human exploration and operations in Washington. "We learn more about the human body's ability to adapt to space every day aboard the International Space Station. As we build the Orion spacecraft and Space Launch System rocket to carry and shelter us in deep space, we'll continue to make the advances we need in life sciences to reduce risks for our explorers. Curiosity's RAD instrument is giving us critical data we need so that we humans, like the rover, can dare mighty things to reach the Red Planet."

The findings, which are published in the May 31 edition of the journal Science, indicate radiation exposure for human explorers could exceed NASA's career limit for astronauts if current propulsion systems are used.

Two forms of radiation pose potential health risks to astronauts in deep space. One is galactic cosmic rays (GCRs), particles caused by supernova explosions and other high-energy events outside the solar system. The other is solar energetic particles (SEPs) associated with solar flares and coronal mass ejections from the sun.

Radiation exposure is measured in units of Sievert (Sv) or milliSievert (one one-thousandth Sv). Long-term population studies have shown exposure to radiation increases a person's lifetime cancer risk. Exposure to a dose of 1 Sv, accumulated over time, is associated with a five percent increase in risk for developing fatal cancer.

NASA has established a three percent increased risk of fatal cancer as an acceptable career limit for its astronauts currently operating in low-Earth orbit. The RAD data showed the Curiosity rover was exposed to an average of 1.8 milliSieverts of GCR per day on its journey to Mars. Only about three percent of the radiation dose was associated with solar particles because of a relatively quiet solar cycle and the shielding provided by the spacecraft.

The RAD data will help inform current discussions in the United States' medical community, which is working to establish exposure limits for deep-space explorers in the future.

"In terms of accumulated dose, it's like getting a whole-body CT scan once every five or six days," said Cary Zeitlin, a principal scientist at the Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) in San Antonio and lead author of the paper on the findings. "Understanding the radiation environment inside a spacecraft carrying humans to Mars or other deep space destinations is critical for planning future crewed missions."

Current spacecraft shield much more effectively against SEPs than GCRs. To protect against the comparatively low energy of typical SEPs, astronauts might need to move into havens with extra shielding on a spacecraft or on the Martian surface, or employ other countermeasures. GCRs tend to be highly energetic, highly penetrating particles that are not stopped by the modest shielding provided by a typical spacecraft.

"Scientists need to validate theories and models with actual measurements, which RAD is now providing," said Donald M. Hassler, a program director at SwRI and principal investigator of the RAD investigation. "These measurements will be used to better understand how radiation travels through deep space and how it is affected and changed by the spacecraft structure itself. The spacecraft protects somewhat against lower energy particles, but others can propagate through the structure unchanged or break down into secondary particles."

After Curiosity landed on Mars in August, the RAD instrument continued operating, measuring the radiation environment on the planet's surface. RAD data collected during Curiosity's science mission will continue to inform plans to protect astronauts as NASA designs future missions to Mars in the coming decades.

SwRI, together with Christian Albrechts University in Kiel, Germany, built RAD with funding from NASA's Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate and Germany's national aerospace research center, Deutsches Zentrum f?r Luft- und Raumfahrt.


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Simple Smartphone Stuffed Animal Surgery to Terrorize Your Child

Yuta Sugiura has created what could be one of the most awesome ways to terrorize your kids?if you're into that kind of thing. She's developed a very clever app that lets a camera-equipped smartphone breathe life and interactivity into a stuffed animal, without having to modify it in any way besides finding a way to get your phone inside.




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Gene Therapy May Protect Against Flu

That's mostly a risk if you're using a virus vector which integrates the DNA into an existing chromosome (which this one doesn't, I believe), AND you can't control the site of insertion. That is, unless the specific gene (in this case, the antibody gene) itself can cause a persistent change in the function of the cell - maybe causing the body to produce a compound which itself promotes cell growth or the like. (That's well outside my area of expertise.)

The great thing about inserting into an existing chromosome (which this does not do) is that then cell replication *does* propagate the gene. The downside is the risk of incorrect insertion which can lead to cancer, among other things.


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White House Press Corps Website, Twitter Feed Appears To Have Been Hacked

The White House Press Corps homepage and Twitter feed appears to have been hacked early Friday.

Just before 2 a.m., tweets began flowing into @whpresscorps, complaining about bias in the media. The hackers' beef seemed to be with any news organization that met with Attorney General Eric Holder to discuss how the Justice Department will handle future instances of spying on journalists.

Numerous news outlets refused to attend the meeting with Holder because it was supposed to be "off the record." But five chose to go, and those were the ones lambasted by the unknown hacker(s):

The alleged hacker(s) also made it clear that meeting with Holder had tainted these news organizations' reputations.

The talks followed news of the Obama administration's surveillance of Fox News reporter James Rosen and The Associated Press as part of a government leaks investigation.

Free speech advocates and many in the media took umbrage with these actions, calling them a violation of the First Amendment.

The supposed hacker(s) also seemed to be upset with the administration's handling of last September's attack in Benghazi, Libya, and the IRS' investigation of Tea Party groups.

The White House Press Corps Website and Twitter feed describes the "daily adventures with the White House Press Corps in their own words." When contacted for comment, an autoreply message noted that the site is not associated with the White House Correspondents' Association or its members. "We are an independent source providing information, commentary and analysis on the relationship between the press and the White House."

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Thursday, May 9, 2013

Bombing connected to election kill 18 in Pakistan

PARACHINAR, Pakistan (AP) ? Three bombings in northwest Pakistan targeting individuals involved in this week's national elections killed 18 people, police said, pushing the death toll from attacks on candidates and party workers to over 100 since the beginning of April.

Two of Tuesday's attacks targeted candidates from Islamist parties, indicating a new trend in the pre-election violence, which had only plagued secular parties before this week.

The Pakistani Taliban have claimed responsibility for many of the attacks in the run-up to the May 11 election and specifically threatened several secular parties back in March. But the Taliban have also condemned democracy as a whole, meaning any political party taking part in the election could be targeted.

In the deadliest of the three attacks Tuesday, a suicide bomber on a motorcycle detonated his explosives near a vehicle carrying a candidate from a hard-line Islamist party, killing 12 people and wounding 35, police officer Haleem Khan said. It was the second attack on the Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam party in as many days.

The candidate who was targeted, Mufti Syed Janan, escaped unharmed, Khan said. The attack occurred as Janan's convoy passed through a market in the town of Doaba in northwest Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, Khan said. Taliban spokesman Ahsanullah Ahsan denied any role in the attack.

Also Tuesday, a roadside bomb struck a vehicle carrying Malik Behram Khan, a candidate from the Jamaat-e-Islami party. The candidate and two others survived with injuries, but his young son was killed in the blast in Upper Dir district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, police officer Farooq Jan said. No one has claimed responsibility for the attack.

Elsewhere in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, a roadside bomb hit a vehicle carrying a local leader of a secular party ? the Pakistan People's Party ? in the village of Babagam in Lower Dir district, police officer Mohammed Wahid Khan said. The blast killed the leader, Zahir Shah, along with two of his guards and two supporters, Khan said. Shah was in the area campaigning for his brother, who is running for a seat in the provincial assembly.

Pakistani Taliban spokesman Ahsanullah Ahsan claimed responsibility for that attack in a phone call to The Associated Press from an undisclosed location.

The Taliban also claimed responsibility for Monday's bomb attack on a Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam rally in the northwest Kurram tribal area that left 25 people dead and 70 wounded. The group said it was targeting a candidate who had supported military operations against the militants, but he escaped unharmed.

Ahsan, the Taliban spokesman, denied any role in the attack on the Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam candidate on Tuesday.

Before this week, many people had expressed concern that attacks on secular parties could benefit Islamists that take a softer line toward the militants because they could campaign more freely ahead of the vote.

Both the Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam and Jamaat-e-Islami parties are considered supportive of the Afghan Taliban's fight against the United States and its allies in neighboring Afghanistan.

They're also sympathetic to the Pakistani Taliban, who have been fighting Pakistani troops and would like to establish a hard-line Islamic government in Pakistan. The parties' leaders have generally opposed the Pakistani military's operations against the militants and instead called for negotiating with them.

But that hasn't made the groups immune.

In 2011, a suicide bomber struck a convoy in which the head of the Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam party, Maulana Fazlur Rehman, was traveling through northwestern Pakistan, killing 12 people.

Early Wednesday, a suicide bomber detonated a car packed with explosives outside a police station in the city of Bannu in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, killing one person and wounding 14, police officer Rafiq Khan said.


Khan reported from Timergarah, Pakistan. AP writers Riaz Khan in Peshawar, Pakistan, and Ijaz Mohammad in Bannu, Pakistan contributed to this report.


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Merck sales representative claims sexual bias, seeks over $100 million

(Reuters) - A senior sales representative for Merck & Co has sued the drugmaker for more than $100 million, alleging it discriminates against female employees in terms of pay and advancement, particularly pregnant employees and women with children.

The lawsuit, filed on Thursday in U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey, alleges the No. 2 U.S. drugmaker engages in "systematic, companywide discriminatory treatment of its female employees on the basis of their gender and their taking federal and state-protected pregnancy leave."

Merck officials could not be reached immediately for comment.

Plaintiff Kelli Smith is described in the lawsuit as a senior sales rep in Merck's Toms River, New Jersey, district, who has been a top performer in terms of sales.

Smith alleged she was demoted for taking maternity leave in 2010, and penalized by unfair performance evaluations and other actions that stalled her career and hurt her reputation.

The suit alleged Merck's companywide sales incentive plan "provides that the compensation of managers and directors is decreased when their employees take legally protected leave ... Through this centralized policy, Merck discourages management from hiring and promoting women."

Smith is represented by the law firm of Sanford Heisler, which won a May 2010 lawsuit that made similar claims against Swiss drugmaker Novartis AG .

Novartis was ordered to pay $250 million in punitive damages after a federal jury in Manhattan found the company had discriminated against thousands of female sales reps in terms of pay, promotions and pregnancy policies.

(Reporting by Ransdell Pierson; editing by John Wallace)


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Microsoft extends financial protection in Yahoo deal

Times Of India Wednesday 8th May, 2013

Yahoo with financial protection as part of the two companies' internet search partnership. An arrangement requiring Microsoft to pay Yahoo a minimum amount per search on Yahoo's website expired March 31. That had raised concerns Yahoo might make less money from the Microsoft partnership. Those worries eased on Tuesday with a Yahoo regulatory filing that disclosed Microsoft is maintaining the revenue-per-search guarantee through March 2014. Yahoo rose 90 cents, or 3.6%, to close at $26.07 on Tuesday. It's the first time the stock has closed above $26 in nearly five years, continuing an upturn t...

Read more


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Wednesday, May 8, 2013

These Pictures of a Car After a Car Crash Are Horrifying

Car crashes are completely awful things. Shattered glass, twisted metal and thousand pound machines reduced to child's playthings. And that's not even considering the possibility of accidental deaths. Photographer Nicolai Howalt captured the horrors of a car crash by photographing the silent disaster of the aftermath.




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Microsoft touching up Windows 8 to address gripes

FILE - Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer gives his presentation at the launch of Microsoft Windows 8, in New York, in this Oct. 25, 2012 file photo. Microsoft is retooling the latest version of its Windows operating system to address complaints and confusion that have been blamed for deepening a slump in personal computer sales. The tune up announced Tuesday May 7, 2013 won't be released to consumers and businesses until later this year. (AP Photo/Richard Drew, File)

FILE - Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer gives his presentation at the launch of Microsoft Windows 8, in New York, in this Oct. 25, 2012 file photo. Microsoft is retooling the latest version of its Windows operating system to address complaints and confusion that have been blamed for deepening a slump in personal computer sales. The tune up announced Tuesday May 7, 2013 won't be released to consumers and businesses until later this year. (AP Photo/Richard Drew, File)

(AP) ? Microsoft is retooling the latest version of its Windows operating system to address complaints and confusion that have been blamed for deepening a slump in personal computer sales.

The tune up announced Tuesday won't be released to consumers and businesses until later this year. The changes, part of a software package given the codename "Blue," are a tacit acknowledgment of the shortcomings in Windows 8, a radical overhaul of Microsoft Corp.'s ubiquitous operating system.

With the makeover it released last October, Microsoft hoped to play a more prominent role in the growing mobile device market while still maintaining its dominance in PCs. But Windows 8's design, which emphasizes interactive tiles and touch controls, seems to have befuddled as many people as it has impressed. One leading research firm, International Data Corp., says Windows 8 contributed to a 14 percent decline in worldwide PC sales during the first three months of the year ? the biggest year-over-year drop ever.

Meanwhile, sales of smartphones and tablet computers are booming. The biggest beneficiaries have been Apple Inc., the maker of the iPhone and iPad, and Samsung Electronics Co., which sells the most devices running on Google Inc.'s Android software. Google is also benefiting from Android's popularity through increased traffic to its services, creating more opportunities for the company to display ads.

By contrast, leading PC makers such as Hewlett-Packard Co. and Dell Inc., which primarily sell Windows-powered machines, have been mired in a financial funk that has battered their stocks and raised questions about their futures.

Despite the troubling signs, Microsoft insists it's pleased with Windows 8's performance.

The company, which is based in Redmond, Wash., says more than 100 million Windows 8 licenses have been sold so far, up from about 60 million licenses in January. The licensing volume "is in the same general ballpark," as Microsoft's previous operating system ? Windows 7 ? at a similar juncture of its sales cycle, according to Tami Reller, who serves as the marketing and financial chief for Microsoft's Windows business.

In an interview, Reller said Microsoft still realized changes need to be made to make Windows 8 easier to navigate and capable of taking full advantage of technology improvements that have come out since October.

"Are there things that we can do to improve the experience? Absolutely," Reller said "There is a learning curve (to Windows 8) and we can work to address that."

For now, Microsoft isn't saying what kind of changes will be introduced with the release of Blue, which the company plans to anoint with a different name when the update is available. Microsoft also isn't saying whether it will charge existing owners of Windows 8 devices to get the fixes in Blue. The company plans to release Blue in time for the holiday season.

Reller said more details about Blue will be released before Microsoft holds a developers conference in San Francisco in late June. Some of Blue's features are expected to be previewed at that conference.

"I view this as a relaunch of Windows 8, finally giving everyone a fully baked version," said technology analyst Patrick Moorhead. "It has been a very rough road for Microsoft so far."

If Blue is meant to make people more comfortable, the changes may incorporate more of the elements from earlier versions of Windows.

A common complaint has centered on the lack of a "start" button in the Windows 8 menu.

Other critics have pined for an option that would allow the system to begin in a desktop mode suited for running applications designed for earlier versions of the operating system. Windows 8 currently starts off showing a mosaic of interactive tiles tailored for swiping through programs with a finger instead of using a computer mouse.

Blue also might make it easier to find a set of controls ? known as "charms" in Windows 8's parlance ? that currently must be pulled out from the right side of a display screen.

Besides responding to customer feedback, Blue also will make Windows 8 better suited for smaller, less expensive tablets with 7- and 8-inch display screens, Reller said. She declined to say whether Microsoft intends to make smaller version of its own Surface tablets. In a conference call with analysts last month, Microsoft Chief Financial Officer Peter Klein said the company was working with other manufacturers to make smaller tablets.

Moorhead also believes Blue will bring more built-in programs, such as a video editor and audio recorder, to Windows 8 and may also include other improvements.

One thing that Blue won't fix: the relatively small selection of mobile applications tailored for Windows 8. Reller said the Windows 8 store now has more than 60,000 apps. By contrast, there are more than 800,000 apps available for Apple's mobile's devices and nearly that many for Android devices, too. In one of the most glaring omissions on Windows 8, Facebook Inc. still hasn't designed an app to make its online social network more accessible on that system. Facebook has about 750 million mobile users.

Microsoft's decision to tweak Windows 8 so soon after its much-ballyhooed release may reinforce perceptions that the product is a flop.

Windows 8's flaws were quickly evident to analysts such as Moorhead, who believes Microsoft took some short cuts to ensure the new operating system would be ready for devices going on sale during last year's holiday shopping season. "It's like they had an airplane and they threw off some of the bags to make sure it could take off," Moorhead said.

Investors still believe Windows 8 will pay off for Microsoft, which gets more than half of its revenue from the sale of Windows operating systems and various software programs and services. The company's stock slipped 40 cents to $33.35 in Tuesday's afternoon trading, leaving the shares with a 20 percent gain since Windows 8 went on sale. That outstrips the 15 percent increase in the Standard & Poor's 500 index during the same stretch.

Reller is trying to frame the upcoming changes to Windows 8 as evidence that Microsoft is becoming more agile and nimble as it responds to a rapidly evolving technology market. Smartphones and tablet computers have been at the epicenter of the upheaval, diminishing the demand for PCs as more people and businesses opt for the convenience of increasingly powerful mobile devices.

Analysts say one reason Windows 8 got off to a slow start is because there weren't enough devices designed to take advantage of the system's touch-screen features. But that is about to change as HP, Dell and other PC makers prepare to roll out a wide variety of laptops and tablets with displays that respond to touch. More than 2,400 devices have now been certified to run on Windows 8, up from 2,000 in January, Reller said.

Most of the touch-screen laptops will sell at prices $50 to $250 below the first wave of comparable machines running on Windows 8, reductions that Microsoft hopes will prod more people to check out the system.

"As we look at Windows 8, it's important to remember a lot of its full potential won't be realized until there are more touch devices on the market," Reller said.

Associated Press


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Philippine volcano spews rocks, killing 5 climbers

MANILA, Philippines (AP) ? One of the Philippines' most active volcanoes rumbled to life Tuesday, spewing room-sized rocks toward nearly 30 surprised climbers, killing five and injuring others that had to be fetched with rescue helicopters and rope.

The climbers and their Filipino guides had spent the night camping in two groups before setting out at daybreak for the crater of Mayon volcano when the sudden explosion of rocks, ash and plumes of smokes jolted the picturesque mountain, guide Kenneth Jesalva told ABS-CBN TV network by cellphone.

He said rocks "as big as a living room" came raining down, killing and injuring members of his group, some of whom were in critical condition. Jesalva said he rushed back to the base camp at 914 meters (3,000 feet) to call for help.

Among the dead were three Germans and their Filipino guide, said Albay provincial Gov. Joey Salceda. Another foreigner was presumed dead, but Salceda said everyone else on the mountain was accounted for by midday.

Eight people were injured, and Salceda said the others were being brought down the mountain. Ash clouds have cleared over the volcano, which was quiet later in the morning.

"The injured are all foreigners ... they cannot walk. If you can imagine, the boulders there are as big as cars. Some of them slid and rolled down. We will rappel the rescue team, and we will rappel them up again," he said from Legazpi, the provincial capital at the foothill of the mountain.

An Austrian mountaineer and two Spaniards were rescued with small bruises, he said.

Tuesday's eruption was normal for the restive Mayon, said Renato Solidum, the head of the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology.

The 2,460-meter (8,070-foot) mountain about 340 kilometers (212 miles) southeast of Manila has erupted about 40 times during the last 400 years.

In 2010, thousands of residents moved to temporary shelters when the volcano ejected ash up to 8 kilometers (5 miles) from the crater.

Solidum said no alert was raised after the latest eruption and no evacuation was being planned.

Climbers are not allowed when an alert is up, and the recent calm may have encouraged this week's trek. However, Solidum said that even with no alert raised, the immediate zone around the volcano is supposed to be a no-go area because of the risk of a sudden eruption.

Salceda said he would enforce a ban on climbers.

Despite the risks, Mayon and its near-perfect cone is a favorite spot for volcano watchers. Most enjoy the occasional nighttime spectacle of the rim lit by flowing lava, viewing from the safety of hotels in Legazpi.

The volcano has a trail to the crater that is walkable though it's steep and strewn with rocks and debris from past eruptions.


Associated Press writer Teresa Cerojano contributed to this report.


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Newtown heroes honored with Citizen Honors Medal

>>> something special happened late today in newtown, kansas, the scene of the school shooting that left 20 children and six adults dead just before christmas last year. every year the congressional medal of honor society gives out what they call the citizen honors medal. the highest civilian honor for valor given out by the men who have received their nation's highest military honor. today the recipients were six educators from sandy hook elementary. all women killed on the job that day. our military analyst jack jacobs was there and was among the recipients of the medal of honor who said today all six of today's citizens exemplified courage, sacrifice, selflessness in trying to protect their students from the gunmen at newtown.


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91% Gimme The Loot

All Critics (56) | Top Critics (23) | Fresh (51) | Rotten (5)

'Gimme the Loot' is ... meandering and a little shallow. And even at 79 minutes it feels a little too long for what's essentially the film equivalent of a short story.

A thousand-watt jolt of mischief, a spunky, funky, ebullient indie that packs its 81 minutes with cinematic exhilaration.

It may be a slight movie, but it has its sunny charms.

A movie about teenage taggers in the Bronx should be fast and raw, scruffy and loose, and Adam Leon's Gimme the Loot is just that.

As it lopes along, the movie offers a warm but very sharp portrait of New York's have-nots and their uneasy relationship with the haves.

"Gimme the Loot" shouldn't be as appealing and exuberant as it is, it really shouldn't.

The film's strong suit is its use of locations.

The film is episodic and determinedly offbeat, funny at its best, boring at its worst.

Shot on the streets of New York in a loose, freeform style, this lively comedy-drama feels somewhat underdeveloped, leaving us doubtful about its realism.

It's a great deal of fun, emotionally touching, and even surprisingly old-fashioned.

Some of the movie doesn't exactly convince, and some of the scenes have an actors-improv feel to them, but there's always plenty of humour and energy.

Endlessly entertaining, refreshingly light-hearted and bursting with summer soul, Gimme The Loot joins the pantheon of great New York movies.

It's a shaggy dog story with a certain amount of charm but not nearly enough drama.

The movie is unpolished, and it matters not a jot, because Leon has written super roles for these kids and invests their relationship with such sly feeling.

Hickson walks the line between bravado and vulnerability, while Washington has a charisma, spark and beauty that should ensure this won't be the last we see of her.

Bolstered by a low-key but assured aesthetic and a soundtrack of vintage soul and doo-wop, the film is infectiously enjoyable, with frequently amusing insights and an affable shagginess.

Out of nowhere, Adam Leon might just have delivered the first great New York film of the decade.

Charming and engaging low-budget indie with a witty script, likeable characters, a strong sense of time and place and a pair of terrific performances from its two young leads.

Funny and freewheeling, it's a joy.

A slim, low-budget coming-of-age tale whose richness lies entirely in its interstices. A keenly observed work that celebrates the unfettered joys of youth, and rewards by reminding of the power of a simple tale told well.

Simultaneously real and hopeful, "Loot" has almost no plot, but when the setting is so fresh and the characters feel so raw and alive, who needs one?

Ghetto laughs with a sophisticated point of view.

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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

What's Your Grubbiest Tech Confession?

Nobody's perfect. Some people Skype without a headset in public. Others insists on using Internet Explorer. Some weirdos even use Comic Sans without flinching. But what's your grubbiest tech confession? We're all friends here, so let it out. It'll be cathartic. I promise.

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Monday, May 6, 2013

Exclusive: Bain, Golden Gate nearing more than $6.5 billion deal for BMC - sources

By Greg Roumeliotis

NEW YORK (Reuters) - A private equity group made up of Bain Capital and Golden Gate Capital Corp are nearing a deal to acquire BMC Software and an announcement could come as early as Monday, two people familiar with the matter told Reuters on Sunday.

The negotiated price of the deal is around $46 per share, said one of the people, who wished to remain anonymous because they are not permitted to speak to the media. That would mean the deal value would be more than $6.5 billion.

Discussions are ongoing and the terms of the deal could still change, the sources said.

Calls to BMC and Bain were not immediately returned. Golden Gate officials declined to comment.

The deal would be one of the largest leveraged buyouts so far this year, after Michael Dell teamed up with private equity firm Silver Lake Partners LP to take Dell Inc private for $24.4 billion. Silver Lake accounts for only a quarter of the equity in that deal.

Buoyant debt markets have encouraged private equity to consider larger deals, which in turn call for larger equity checks and make buyout firms more open to teaming up.

Houston, Texas-based BMC Software shares ended trading at $45.42 on Friday. It competes with Oracle Corp, SAP AG, CA Inc and Compuware Corp, and has been under pressure from Paul Singer's activist hedge fund Elliott Associates LP to sell itself since last year.

Elliott, a seasoned investor in the software sector, has a 9.7-percent stake in the company, and has argued that BMC's management was neglecting a huge opportunity to expand into Internet-based business software, a market dominated by the likes of Inc. The world's largest providers of software for enterprises, including Oracle, SAP and Microsoft Corp, have already begun investing heavily in that market. Elliott is a shareholder in business software company Attachmate Corp, alongside Golden Gate, Thoma Bravo and Francisco Partners.

BMC is due to announce first-quarter earnings on May 7. The company said on April 8 that it would reduce its workforce following a company-wide operational review. Those job cuts will result in pretax charges of approximately $33 million to $38 million for severance and related termination costs, it added.

(Additional reporting by Jessica Toonkel; Editing by Marguerita Choy)


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Bald Eagles Become Main Attraction in Hamden - Hancock Wildlife ...

Sunday, May 05 2013 @ 03:37 AM EDT

Contributed by: MaryF

Wildlife News

By Amanda Raus
Posted: Saturday, May 4, 2013
Updated 9:36 AM EDT


The Nest has become a local attraction in Hamden.

You may not notice it just passing by, but an eagles nest has people flocking to State Street in Hamden to catch a glimpse of the rare birds.
?I come a lot, but we come at least a couple times a week to see and now we know that there are two babies they think and the mom and dad,? said Candi Looney.

?People say they've seen the birds flying around and lately have seen at least one eagle standing guard at the nest at all times, watching their young as people come to watch them.

Read the rest of the story HERE




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Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Super-Humans Who Read Addresses Computers Can't Figure Out

Email has eaten most of snail mail's lunch, but computers are cutting into what's left by parsing the addresses of your packages and letters. When they can't figure out your scrawl though, it's squinting and guessing to the rescue, and the New York Times tracked down the few people left with that job.

When robot eyes started reading labels, even slightly messy handwriting was enough to confuse the computers. Then your loving-scrawled parcels would be shunted over to human eyes for a second opinion and a judicious guess. Now the robots have gotten a lot better and can handle over 98 percent of the 160 million packages that pass through the system each year. But someone's got to handle that awful 2 percent that's left.

From the New York Times:

?We get the worst of the worst,? Ms. Batin said. ?It used to be that we?d get letters that were somewhat legible but the machines weren?t good enough to read them. Now we get letters and packages with the most awful handwriting you can imagine. Still, it?s our job to make sure it gets to where it?s supposed to go.?

...Speed is important. Each worker in this nearly football-field-length room is expected to process about 1,200 images an hour, and they average three seconds an image.

In September, the Postal Service will be shutting down one of the two remaining plants, and consolidating to a single location full of super reader-guessers. Let's just hope the computers keep getting better, because our handwriting is bound to keep getting worse. You can hop over to the New York Times to read more about these specialized squinters. [The New York Times]


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Southern California wildfire nearly 60-percent contained

(Reuters) - A fierce wildfire that had threatened 4,000 homes northwest of Los Angeles was nearly 60-percent contained on Saturday as favorable weather conditions helped beat it back, officials said.

"We actually have a pretty good marine layer, which is like thick fog on the coast moving inland, cooler temperatures and higher humidity," Captain Dan Horgon of the Ventura County Fire Department told Reuters.

"That coupled with our efforts out there with our firefighters have made the situation quite a bit better," he said.

The Springs Fire in coastal Ventura County has blackened about 28,000 acres of rugged brushland since it started on Thursday.

Officials said the blaze was now expected to be fully under control by sometime on Monday. All fire-related evacuation orders had been lifted by Saturday evening.

About 4,000 homes had been threatened by the fire, but only 15 have been damaged, Horgon said. There are no reports of deaths or injuries, although one firefighter and a civilian were hurt in a vehicle collision, the department said on its website.

Until this week, fewer than 12,000 acres had burned since the mid-April start of the Southern California fire season, said Daniel Berlant, a spokesman for the state's Department of Forestry and Fire Protection.

That figure has jumped with the Springs Fire and five smaller blazes around the state.

The department had moved ahead its official start date for the season by two weeks because of dry conditions, already at levels typical for June or July, Berlant said.

Snow pack in California's Sierra Nevada mountains is 17 percent of normal.

Some weather forecasters have predicted the season will get worse with a summer of high temperatures and drought throughout much of the U.S. West.

(Reporting by Ian Simpson in Washington; Editing by Tom Brown and Xavier Briand)


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Stocks surge to new highs after hiring climbs

Specialist Frank Masiello wears a "Dow 15,000" hat as he works at his post on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange Friday, May 3, 2013. A big gain in the job market is lifting the stock market to a record high. The Dow Jones industrial average crossed 15,000 for the first time, and the Standard and Poor's 500 index, a broader market measure, rose above 1,600.(AP Photo/Richard Drew)

Specialist Frank Masiello wears a "Dow 15,000" hat as he works at his post on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange Friday, May 3, 2013. A big gain in the job market is lifting the stock market to a record high. The Dow Jones industrial average crossed 15,000 for the first time, and the Standard and Poor's 500 index, a broader market measure, rose above 1,600.(AP Photo/Richard Drew)

Specialists Devin Cryan, left, and Gabriel Freytes wear a "Dow 15,000" hats as they work at a post on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange Friday, May 3, 2013. A big gain in the job market is lifting the stock market to a record high. The Dow Jones industrial average crossed 15,000 for the first time, and the Standard and Poor's 500 index, a broader market measure, rose above 1,600.(AP Photo/Richard Drew)

Trader Gregory Rowe wears a "Dow 15,000" hat as he works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange Friday, May 3, 2013. A big gain in the job market is lifting the stock market to a record high. The Dow Jones industrial average crossed 15,000 for the first time, and the Standard and Poor's 500 index, a broader market measure, rose above 1,600.(AP Photo/Richard Drew)

A board overlooking the floor of the New York Stock Exchange shows an intraday number above 1,600 for the S&P 500, Friday, May 3, 2013. A big gain in the job market is lifting the stock market to a record high. The Dow Jones industrial average crossed 15,000 for the first time, and the Standard and Poor's 500 index, a broader market measure, rose above 1,600.(AP Photo/Richard Drew)

(AP) ? Optimism about the economy swept through the stock market Friday, pushing two widely watched indexes past major milestones.

After weeks of mixed signals about manufacturing and earnings, a surprisingly strong U.S. jobs report gave investors confidence that the economy isn't about to falter. The market jumped from the opening bell. Traders donned party hats, and a wave of buying helped the Standard and Poor's 500 index crack the 1,600 mark for the first time. The Dow Jones industrial average broke through 15,000.

"There's euphoria today," said Stephen Carl, the head equity trader at The Williams Capital Group. "That's what you'd have to call it."

On the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, brokers sported baseball caps emblazoned with "Dow 15,000."

Jobs are crucial to keeping the stock market climbing. Big U.S. companies are making record profits, but much of that has come from cutting costs, not boosting sales. More jobs, and more consumer spending, would help.

U.S. employers added 165,000 workers last month and many more in February and March than previously estimated. The unemployment rate fell to the lowest level in four years, 7.5 percent.

The Dow rose 142.38 points to close at a record 14,973.96, up 1 percent. The S&P 500 index climbed 16.83 points, or 1 percent, to 1,614.42, also a record.

"We're breaking through psychological barriers and that will continue to bring investors off the sidelines," said Darrell Cronk, regional chief investment officer for Wells Fargo Private Bank. He called the jobs news "wonderful."

Cronk, like many others on Wall Street, has been watching individual investors for signs they may finally have shed their fear of stocks. A surge in buying from them would help push stocks higher. But individuals pulled more money out of stock mutual funds than they put in late last month, a reversal from the trend earlier this year, according to the Investment Company Institute.

They've had reasons to pull back lately.

First came news of falling retail sales in March, then a series of weak manufacturing reports and signs of an economic slowdown in China.

Other reports, including two out Friday, have pointed to a slowdown. Factory orders sank in March and a gauge of growth in the service sector fell short of estimates.

First-quarter earnings have been mixed, too. Though they've come in higher than expected, many companies have reported little or no revenue growth, which has spooked investors.

Investors have also been concerned that higher Social Security payroll taxes and sweeping government spending cuts that took effect earlier this year will slow U.S. economic growth, and pinch corporate profits.

Friday's jobs numbers suggested the private sector might be strong enough to overcome those obstacles.

In its report, the government revised its previous estimate of job gains up to 332,000 in February and 138,000 in March. The economy has created an average of 208,000 jobs a month from November through April ? above the 138,000 added in the previous six months.

"Jobs are key," said Randall Warren, chief investment officer of Warren Financial Service in Exton, Penn. "Everyone is worried about things like fiscal policy, the government spending money it doesn't have. If you want to turn that situation around, you have to get people off their couches."

On Friday, on market's gains were broad. Eight of the 10 industry groups in the S&P 500 index rose. Nearly three stocks rose for every one that fell on the NYSE.

Companies that stand to benefit most from an upturn in the economy led the market. Those that make basic materials and produce oil and gas rose the most in the S&P 500 index.

U.S. Steel rose $1.08, or 6.3 percent, to $18.14. General Electric rose 25 cents, or 1.1 percent, to $22.57. Dow Chemical rose 84 cents, or 2.5 percent, to $33.96.

Utilities, consumer-staple companies and other safe-play stocks trailed the market as investors took on more risk.

The yield on the benchmark 10-year Treasury note jumped from its lowest level of the year, as traders moved money out of the safety of government bonds. The yield rose to 1.74 percent from 1.63 percent late Thursday.

Small-company stocks are more risky than bigger companies but can also offer investors greater returns. On Friday, they outpaced the broader market. The Russell 2000 jumped 14.57 points, or 1.6 percent, to 954.42, a new all-time high.

The Nasdaq composite index rose 38.01 points to 3,378.63, an increase of 1.1 percent. Still, it remains well below its dot-com peak.

Stock markets overseas also rose on the U.S. jobs report. The main indexes in France, Germany, Spain and Brazil climbed 1 percent or better.

The S&P 500 is up 13 percent from the start of the year. The Dow is up 14 percent.

Some investors were skeptical.

Tim Biggam, chief market strategist at the brokerage TradingBlock in Chicago, said he thought the market was being driven higher by people hoping that the Federal Reserve's efforts to help the economy will keep working. Biggam said they're ignoring troublesome trends.

"This may be the time you want to avoid getting in the market in my opinion, rather than jump in," Biggam said.

Among other stocks making big moves on Friday:

? Gilead Sciences jumped $2.97 to $55.15, a gain of 6 percent, one of the biggest gains in the S&P 500 index. The maker of HIV drugs reported a 63 percent surge in income in the first quarter thanks to lower costs and increased sales.

? Kraft Foods rose $2.58 to $53.11, an increase of 5 percent. The food maker reported first-quarter income and revenue that beat the forecasts of Wall Street analysts as it increased sales and cut costs following its split from its global snack business.

? LinkedIn, the professional networking social media site, sank 13 percent, losing $26.08, to $175.59. The company issued a revenue forecast for the rest of the year that was well below what financial analysts were expecting. LinkedIn went public in May 2011 at $45 a share.


AP Business Writers Matthew Craft and Christina Rexrode contributed to this story.

Associated Press


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Saturday, May 4, 2013

Eternal Darkness Sequel 'Shadow of the Eternals' Reveal Trailer ...

reading: Home ? News, Video Games ? Eternal Darkness Sequel ?Shadow of the Eternals? Reveal Trailer

Published: 03 May 2013 12:32 PM UTC

Posted in: News, Video Games

Tags: Eternal Darkness, Gaming, News, Shadow of the Eternals, Video Games

Well, this was certainly unexpected. I never thought this day would come, but a sequel to the GameCube horror classic Eternal Darkness has been revealed, titled?Shadow of the Eternals.

A?teaser trailer on IGN?has just been uploaded, revealing the first ever glimpse of the game. While the game is now under development by new studio Precursor Games, as opposed to Silicon Knights, as the trailer states?Shadow of the Eternals is being handled by the same team as the original ? along with original producer,?Dennis Dyack.

The trailer should seem very familiar to Eternal Darkness fans, with demons, medieval locales and demonic themes. It appears to feature an all-new cast, with no Alex Roivas in sight.

With that in mind and the fact that the ?Eternal Darkness? label now removed completely, ?this is more of a ?spiritual successor? (as IGN describes it) rather than a traditional sequel. This makes sense, given that Alex?s story appeared to have reached a proper conclusion in the first game and that ?Eternal Darkness 2? may alienate a new audience of gamers ten years after the first game released.

Whatever this is, I?m super excited for more insanity effects!


Article from

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