Friday, February 10, 2012

Talk about customer service to your staff?a lot (I) | Business ...

? ? The first 30 seconds

excellent customer service 300x199 Talk about customer service to your staff?a lot (I)Customer service is an issue that many businesses really struggle to get a handle on. For some people it is simply serving customers quickly and politely, but in reality it goes much deeper. Earlier in this chapter I talked about the importance of respecting your customers, which I believe is the starting point when it comes to delivering high levels of customer service.

While you may respect your customers, the relevance of this is often hard to pass on to your staff. Most businesses will talk endlessly about sales to staff: is the business reaching its targets, how can sales be improved, how can more customers be attracted and how can they be encouraged to spend more with the business?

The topic of customer service is often overlooked, generally because I feel that business owners aren?t really sure how to address more than a few very obvious customer service issues. Customer service should be talked about a lot. It should be debated, it should be reviewed and it should be discussed at every opportunity. This can get a little boring and start to sound like a broken record so it is up to the person doing the talking to be a little innovative.

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